That is awesome
You could be a kid's cartoon artist or something. That was pure awesome.
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That is awesome
You could be a kid's cartoon artist or something. That was pure awesome.
A bit long, but super awesome!!
Could really use a 'pause button', haha. Zelos should have totally won, he didn't use Judgement :( But I loved the action in your matches, though.
It's over NINE THOUSAND!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
This is pure genius. Keep it up.
I like the game - could have more though
I'll get to the point - it's good but like previously stated feels unfinished.
> Could use difficulty levels. easy, normal, hard, one-hit-game-over, etc.
> The player needs to move faster. I found it annoying when that one coin was travelling faster than I was
> Lose the "moved aside when hit", it just screws people up.
> The background was flashy, option to turn it off or something would be nice
> Pause button.
> Once per game or something, pressing space bar will remove all ninja stars from the screen (a last resort).
I'm still watching the FMA series on engdubs (which sucks) and this brought back some funny memories.
I'd say it's decent for a rough draft. It started to glitch out after the second level and the first level was sort of easy, not hard.
I think the first was better.
You used a bunch of sounds that would be ideally used for an "egyptian" type thing. Not that that's a bad thing, of course. But I kind of liked the extremely loud... what do you call them? "Beeow's"? You have the right idea going on, though.
Glad you liked it! Most people found it way too loud, so I started from scratch.
Keep it up!
Damnit, you did it again!
You keep making all these awesome remixes! Sell me your awesome music-making talents.. I'll pay you in backrubs!
- Ace
PS: In your response to tay, it's spelled beaucoup :P
PPS: Zelos/Kratos sucks but their themes rock
lol, I already have bank-rupts! All I need is musical talent!! XD
Keep it up!
p.s. I know, but thats how we uncouthe south-londoners say it.
p.p.s. Never trust anyone with a sword and sheild in Symphonia. XD
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Age 32, Male
Joined on 6/13/04