View Profile Acelinyth

16 Audio Reviews

8 w/ Responses

I think the first was better.

You used a bunch of sounds that would be ideally used for an "egyptian" type thing. Not that that's a bad thing, of course. But I kind of liked the extremely loud... what do you call them? "Beeow's"? You have the right idea going on, though.

Chao-Guy responds:

Glad you liked it! Most people found it way too loud, so I started from scratch.

Keep it up!

Damnit, you did it again!

You keep making all these awesome remixes! Sell me your awesome music-making talents.. I'll pay you in backrubs!
- Ace
PS: In your response to tay, it's spelled beaucoup :P
PPS: Zelos/Kratos sucks but their themes rock

Chao-Guy responds:

lol, I already have bank-rupts! All I need is musical talent!! XD

Keep it up!
p.s. I know, but thats how we uncouthe south-londoners say it.
p.p.s. Never trust anyone with a sword and sheild in Symphonia. XD

Has good moments.

It sounded more like a dungeon/crypt type thing more than a crazy yourgonnadie thing. I liked it, though.

I r worship you!!11one

Wow, I love how you remix your remixes (or something), although you're making me change the musics on my MP3 now! >:( After the beginning thing when the melody comes in, the really annoying cow bell type of sound that last until the end kinda throws me off.. XD But awesome nonetheless.

Chao-Guy responds:

Ah, sorry bout the cow bell, didn't realise it didn't gel well. Basicly when I started audio's I only thought there was one type of instrument that worked. I then found a whole new catagory!! So if I'm stuck for ideas, I redo some of my eailier work.

Glad you like it!
Keep it up!


Not 100% sure why.. but this just jumped at me saying "I R AWSUM." And I listen to completely random hallucinations inside my head. :D

Chao-Guy responds:

"Jumped at yourself" (0_0)...How can you- I don't wanna know! lol
Well this is the music that plays during the boss'es "Before battle gloat". So I guess I kept the essence.
Thanks for the 10'ns!

Keep it up!

A big step up!

I turn my back on you for... let's say a billion seconds and you come up with all this music!?!?!?!?!?1/1/1!?!?1oneslash?!!!1/!!?!11!1?exclamation
point1/questionmark :P you rock. This was a very great step up from the previous version. If you sorta modified the echoic part at the very end, it would loop nicely.

Chao-Guy responds:

Yeah, sorry about that :/
I may have improved, but there is still ALOT I suck at. lol
Glad you like it!

Keep it up!



(Reference to Musical's post?) OMG! Someone other than me loves Dark Cloud II Music! I am now demanding (not really) you to remix Dark Cloud II - Battle in the Dark (or something.) That'd be great if you could :D

Favourite. Song. Evah.

Enough said...

Also, I was playing Roy and entered Hyrule Castle and this song started playing. Not sure if I pressed Z or not, but it's something to consider.


I'm so awesome! This wasn't exactly THE best remix ever, I'm giving it that (probably the example you got it from?) But I give you credit for doing it well. Thanks a bunch. (never went on NG recently so I couldn't see it at first) But still awesome!

Chao-Guy responds:

Thanks, Origional MIDI by Phillip Haynes of VGMusic.com
I admit this isn't my best, but there were so many high pitched note, so I tweeked it a little and now the clarity sucks.
So sorry I couldn't do better!

Keep it up!

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Age 32, Male




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