This was good. I liked it. Good job, you're awesome. The 'Dun dun duuuuun' was pretty cool too. But the 'Muahahahahaha' was kinda irritating. I give it a thumbs up!
This was good. I liked it. Good job, you're awesome. The 'Dun dun duuuuun' was pretty cool too. But the 'Muahahahahaha' was kinda irritating. I give it a thumbs up!
Can I kill you?
This made me cry. In crapiness.
I'm giving this series a 5 everyday (when I remember) and I am now adding you as 2nd fave author. Just for fun, I'll vote for Crono (I am well aware that they have ended, but note that I said the 3 words, Just For Fun)
And what are the words for Sephiroth's theme? I can't seem to figure them out =/ thanks, either post on here or email me @ l33tlilfr33k @ hotmail. com
o0o0o0o0o thanks a lot. And thanks for adding the just for fun bit on the end. I can't remember them. Look it up on google
I know I've posted twice; but:
You make Gaia look like an actual RPG!
Even though all it is is a HUGE forum with more capabilities, anyone who rates less than a 9648275429835429345289351 out of 5 should go get hit by a bus. Now I am gonna go play Gaia now. gaia2win from now on XP
This Flash Author has joined The Good Flash Artists!
Hahaha, that was pretty good!
I liked the movie! Though you should put MILD violence on it ;)
The guy who gave that bad review can go fuck Bessie.
The hell?!
The hell just happened? Lol, nice! For you weirdoes who can't seem to find the secret ending:
It's the bottle of Sobe Lean beside Link when he is writing the letter to Zelda.
Go Jumping Humpers o_O
Thank you for your deposit, Acelinyth! You now have 420 experience points. You need 956 more to get to level 10.
Age 32, Male
Joined on 6/13/04